Wednesday 3 April 2013

Food Glorious Food: The 'Instafood' Craze

Mixed Tabbouleh Salad.

I seem to talk about food alot on here, it's vital for survival and as I said in a previous post since becoming vegan I've begun to take more pride in my food and I experiment more in the kitchen. I think one of the big influences on my cooking has been the 'instafood' craze on instagram, taking pictures of food. Now, I know alot of people hate this craze but I think it's great for sharing recipes and seeing how beautifully delicious food can look as well as taste. 

Vegetable curry while being cooked.

It has also had this effect that for the first time I've started to look at how I present the food I cook. I never put much thought in before and was happy to slap stuff on a plate and be done. I did obviously follow the specifications when I worked in a pub kitchen for over a year but it was only because it was my job. Now, I want to share my cooking with the world and by joining into the instafood craze I need to make my food look pretty. 

Roasted vegetables with lemon slices and bay leaves fresh out the oven.

I think vegan food is usually pretty on its own, I mean I use several vegetables and try to incorporate lots of colours and textures which contribute so much to the overall look of my dishes. I don't think I'll ever become talented at styling my food as by the time it comes to serve it all I can think about it getting it into my tummy! But I've noticed little things like how I put a dressing onto a salad or garnishes (which add a yummy herb) make a big difference to how your food looks, and since all our senses are linked - if it looks good we obviously want to eat it more. I guess the bottom line is I'm now taking pride in my cooking and not just for it's taste. Spending a few seconds making my food look pretty means that people are more inclined to get eating it. Plus not doing anything too fancy still maintains a home cooked element to the dish. 

Porridge made with water with added blueberries, desiccated coconut, dried cranberries, almonds and pumpkin seeds.

I think it may also be helping getting people eating healthier, I can't deny looking at a picture of brightly coloured fruit and vegetables makes my mouth water more than a chocolate bar does (not that I don't enjoy some vegan chocolate now and then). I think this has more of a positive influence than a negative on people's diets and it may encourage people to try different foods. 

Another part of this is taking pictures of our food when we're at restaurants and cafes. I think this is an excellent way for them to advertise their wares for free! I don't actually know if any companies use this currently but it would be something they could perhaps look into. Plus for normal people like me it means I can often see what the food looks like before I go somewhere and therefore decide if it looks tasty enough for me to visit. Again, another positive to this craze. 

Black Bean Chilli with rice and soya yoghurt.

I can't actually think of anything bad to the 'instafood' craze apart from people being grumpy. I'm all for the craze. :)

For anyone who would like to see more of my food adventures please follow me on instagram


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