Sunday, 26 January 2014

Life Thoughts

My hairs getting so long!

Delightfully Tacky, one of my favourite bloggers often does this little post every few months about where she is in life and whats been inspiring her and I’d really like to incorporate it into this blog (I did use some of her headers as a template so I hope she doesn’t mind!). After finally recovering from the horrible few illnesses I’ve had since the new year I finally have that ‘new year new me’ feeling going and want to share some of my thoughts and ideas for the next few months. 

Reading Han’s Fallada’s ‘Alone In Berlin’. I’ve had this book sat on my bookshelf since its release in 2009, captivated by the synopsis on the back I bought it as part of Waterstones 3 for 2 deal in a vain effort during university to have casual reading for pleasure. Needless to say my Mum then picked it up when she visited once to read while I was bogged down in 16th century gender politics. After finishing it she told me, though she enjoyed it she found it really hard and slow to get into and admitted struggling to finish it at times. When I finally had time to read again after the review from my Mum this book was sadly pushed to the back of the pile and forgot about. With my book collection getting a little out of control a few weeks ago I decided to sort my books and pile the ones that were unread next to my bed with a determination to work through them before buying many more books. This little book appeared again. With alot more time to read I decided it was time to tackle it and I’ve found myself pleasantly surprised. Compared with my Mum’s struggle I’ve managed to engross myself into the world of Berlin during the second world war. The descriptions, the range of characters and the swelling plot line all have my full attention, even after only 100 pages! I’m really excited to finish this story now, especially as it is based on true facts. When I do finish I’ll defiantly be posting a review on my goodreads! (link in top bar).

Watching CSI. I picked up season 1 (which I’ve watched a million times) for £4.50 in CeX before I left Northern Ireland needing a show to occupy me until Grey’s Anatomy returns at the end of February! Already knowing I enjoy CSI as an avid crime and forensics fan in literature and tv this was an easy decision. I find the show easy to put on while I’m doing something else so while I’m avidly applying for jobs I’m still entertained from the monotonous typing of my details over and over. I’m currently on season 2 which I’m hoping to finish before I travel to Northern Ireland again next week. 

Still need to fill my pokedex though..

Playing Animal Crossing New Leaf. Jonathan bought me a Nintendo 3ds XL for Christmas with animal crossing and pokemon x, I finished pokemon x and the copy of Professor Layton and Pandora’s Box I bought so I’m occupying myself with Animal Crossing. I love this game cos I can play as much or as little as I want and I just adore anything cute. Doesn’t use too many brain cells either so I find it almost relaxing. I want to get some more Professor Layton games and some Ace Attorney games as I love puzzles and Ace Attorney is meant to be hilarious. 

Listening to Interpol. In a total splurge I bought myself tickets to see Interpol as part of the NME awards show in Birmingham. On the 25th March I’ll be finally able to see a band I’ve wanted to see since I found them 9 years ago! I’m really excited and I’ve been told the support acts are also worth a listen but for now my ear drums are loving the post punk vibrations. 

I love this guy, and I love our adventures.

Planning a road trip across Northern England with Jonathan in early April. At a Belfast Giants game over the Christmas period he won their ‘chuck a puck’ game and therefore won a free ferry crossing with Stena Line ferries to either England or Scotland. The Elite Ice Hockey League Playoff’s are played in Nottingham and we decided to make our way over there but turn it into a road trip. We’re planning to visit York, a city I’ve been desperate to visit for a very long time and make a loop across the North of England before returning home. At the moment we’re still planning times and hotels so that Jonathan doesn’t have to drive much. We’ve decided this will be our holiday this year and I’m really excited to spend some time with the guy I love and visit some amazing places. 

Florence has been causing no end to mischief!
Proud of being a vegan for over a year now. Ask me a few years back and I would have laughed at the idea of me giving up cheese and eggs but look at me now! I still get the odd craving for them but then I remember why I choose to do this. The last year I’ve seen some positive health changes and I feel more comfortable with myself morally. I think the first year was going to be the hardest and now I’m more clued in I’m looking forward to spending the rest of my life on a plant based diet and advocating why we don’t need leather or wool. 

Shopping for Interview/Office Wear.
Preparing for my return to work. It’s been a year and half since I had to leave my last place of employment and over two years since I first began to suffer with a neurological disorder (functional and dissociative neurological disorder). I’ve spent alot of that time working with my neurologist, neuro physiotherapist and my gp to get back to this stage that I feel well and in control of my symptoms enough to work again. I’m very anxious about this process but I know it needs to be done and I’m pleased to have been able to apply for several suitable jobs without letting my worries overwhelm me. It won’t be an easy time but it has to be done and I’m eager to learn some new skills and meet some new people. 
My niece, Phoebe, likes telling the teddies and everyone else stories and having tea parties.

Perplexed about my future and what to do with myself. When I was a child I was always changing my mind about what I wanted to be when I was older. I tended to flit between wanting to teach or being an paleontologist. Now I’m older, and realised I wouldn’t enjoy teaching, I got my BA degree in History and Philosophy and thought I had my life planned heading for a career in heritage and the museum business. I was then tempted to incorporate historical research into my career and progress to a masters degree in late medieval/early modern history.  That was until a few months ago when looking through adult learning courses I saw a course to become a Veterinary Nurse. I’ve always been an animal lover, and always had pets around me, and I think a part of me has always wanted to work with animals so is this the way I should go? I made a quick plan before then finding my dissertation in a hidden computer folder. It flared my love of history and research so now I’ve been left a bit confused again. I’m always going to be an indecisive person, my flare and the thrill I get from research and learning new things will always push me into other disciplines. I doubt I’ll stay in the same career my whole life but for now I think I just need to focus on getting a job of any kind and then really spend some time thinking about my future. If it’s one thing I’ve learnt in the last two years is that it’s ok to be patient and take things slowly and that’s an important lesson to learn for someone who regularly panics about where their life has put them temporarily. 

These little girls keep me sane.

All pictures are from my instagram, link in top bar.


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