Thursday, 1 August 2013

Product Review ~ Mr Fox Cases

This is my first product review so don't be too harsh! 

My boyfriend bought me a kindle for my birthday, as an avid reader he thought it would be more suitable to all the travelling I do back and forth from Northern Ireland. I was a sceptic at first; I love how books feel in my hands, I adore the sound of turning pages and as someone who owns alot of secondhand books you just can't beat that old book smell! After a few days with my kindle I saw the benefits, I can travel with a whole library of books in just a tiny reader that fits in my bag or suitcase. Also, since my kindle is a ink based reader it doesn't leave my eyes sore after looking at screens for ages. 

So, with my new kindle I begun searching for a cute case to keep it safe and clean in my bag. As a vegan I didn't want one of the many leather cases on offer; I also wanted something really cute that suits my personality. This is where Mr Fox comes into the equation!

A few weeks before I got my kindle my iPhone case begun to crack and therefore I was in need of a new one. I only paid £2 for the hard case I had and it lasted me over a year, so I wasn't willing to spend alot. I was tempted by the silicon cases, I'm very clumsy and I drop my phone alot and I was informed this would be more suitable so off to eBay I went. Originally I was going to indulge my love of owls and buy a case with an owl on, but I couldn't find one I liked. So I searched for other favourite animals of mine, one of them being a fox and result! Not only did I find a cute fox case but it was silicon and very well priced at £6.09 including postage. I waited only a few days for my case to arrive and from the start I was in love. The case fits my phone like a glove, is very high quality, waterproof and not cumbersome. I can use the side buttons with ease and my charger still fits in without trouble. The casing was cute and I even kept the back cardboard for a future craft as it's so adorable! 

So, when looking for a kindle case I searched for Mr Fox again on eBay and lo and behold I found a matching kindle case in the right size for my e-reader! The case gives a cute fox design on a turquoise background and is made of strong cardboard (I think) and a canvas like material. This means that I can bend the case back making for easier reading. The kindle is fixed into place with orange elastic which is the same as what is used to keep the case closed. The case is lightweight, thin and slightly cushioned which makes it perfect for when I have to pop it into my suitcase or satchel bag. Again the product is high quality and exactly what I expected. The case was also very good value for money at £8.99 including postage. 

Overall, the Mr Fox brand is fantastically made, value for money and I recommend to anyone who needs a cute case themselves or a gift for a friend or family member. :) 

To buy any of these Mr Fox products click this link
The sellers I used are stars-aberystwyth  and from-then-to-now


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh where do you buy this im in love with it but i pressed the like and its not coming up will you help me

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