Sunday, 12 May 2013

She opened her eyes to see, She was the one for me

Hi! I'm back from my holiday from Devon and since being back I've already got my creative head on. A few weeks ago I found a tutorial for a simple straight line skirt and I already had bought some fabric from the NEC sewing for pleasure exhibition that I had already bookmarked for a skirt. 

The tutorial is simple to follow and it's a really simple design that is perfect for a casual day look. The elastic waist is also friendly for people like me who can be prone to bloating a bit after big meals! It's also so cute for summer days out! 

The only problems I had with this were:

  •  I measured the elastic to fit exactly to my waist but when I put it on it's really loose. Next time I'll make it an inch or two smaller so it fits more snugly and allows for my continuing weight loss aims. 
  •  Make sure you leave about two inches of the side sem free or else it's a nightmare when you thread the elastic through later! 
  •  I used a zigzag stitch on my machine but my Mum said a straight would be better, I didn't really realise until it was almost finished. 

If you'd like to have a go yourself then the tutorial by Brett Bara is here
You can also purchase her book on amazon here, I already have it on my wishlist!

Outfit Details:
Denim shirt - charity shop and diy, skirt - diy, belt - new look. 


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